What’s In My Snack Bag?
It seems as though everyone is rushing around trying to fit in a million and one things into a 24-hour period. Unfortunately, those vital things that keep us going are often the things that get side lined such as eating healthy, sleeping and taking time to breathe and...

The ONE Thing You May Be Missing With Nutrition and Exercise
Today I overheard a portion of 3 different conversations, all about nutrition. One in an elevator discussing if Greek yogurt was good or bad for you. Another in a coffee shop about how a croissant was that individuals’ “cheat for the week”, and then another on public...

RECIPE: PB and J oatmeal (minus the PB and the J)
Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. I would be lying if I said the last thought before I go to bed isn't, what I am going to make for breakfast. I find a lot of people struggle with variety when it comes to breakfast. Our bodies require a wide variety of...

6 Ways To Make Meal Preparation Work For You (PLUS VEG CHILLI RECIPE)
Arghh, just hearing the term “meal preparation” makes me cringe outwardly, it brings to mind endless Tupperware containers and spending my whole Sunday in the kitchen preparing for my “new healthy week” after binge eating on the weekends. For years I was obsessed with...

3 Ways to Recover Like an Athlete
ADRIAN VILACA PROFESSIONAL MMA FIGHTER/STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING COACH AND MY AWESOME PARTNER IN CRIME #FIGHTERANDTHEGING When our bodies feel good we take it for granted. When our bodies don’t feel good we get frustrated and impatient. I know I have been there before...
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