What’s In My Snack Bag?

What’s In My Snack Bag?

It seems as though everyone is rushing around trying to fit in a million and one things into a 24-hour period. Unfortunately, those vital things that keep us going are often the things that get side lined such as eating healthy, sleeping and taking time to breathe and...

RECIPE: PB and J oatmeal (minus the PB and the J)

RECIPE: PB and J oatmeal (minus the PB and the J)

Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. I would be lying if I said the last thought before I go to bed isn't, what I am going to make for breakfast.  I find a lot of people struggle with variety when it comes to breakfast. Our bodies require a wide variety of...

3 Ways to Recover Like an Athlete

3 Ways to Recover Like an Athlete

ADRIAN VILACA PROFESSIONAL MMA FIGHTER/STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING COACH AND MY AWESOME PARTNER IN CRIME #FIGHTERANDTHEGING When our bodies feel good we take it for granted. When our bodies don’t feel good we get frustrated and impatient. I know I have been there before...


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