I actually wrote this post last year for my 30th birthday but never pushed publish. Why? I am not entirely sure…but, I can honestly say that my 30th year of life has been one of the best every aspect: professionally, socially, and spiritually. I suppose it paid off to wait one more year before sharing.
People seem to get very emotional about aging, I would be lying if I said I have not been there and still don’t struggle
I am aware that these types “Coming of Age Lessons” are often overdone… BUT I have come to realize that it is an ABSOLUTE must
(No particular order)
1. Give gratitude daily – I have not done this consistently in the past but it is something that I have started over the past couple years and it has made a huge difference in my attitude before tackling each day. I highly recommend keeping a gratitude journal. There are always things to be grateful for.
2. Be your own boss – This might not be applicable
This year when I branched off and became my own boss (officially) and a spark ignited in me. I still have the opportunity to work for and with others which I love doing and never want to completely give up. We are born to connect and we are so much stronger as a
“If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together” – African Proverb
3. Eat like you give
4. Discover your
5. Surround yourself with people who inspire you – I am not sure where I read this quote but it stuck with me: “You are the average of the five people you hang out with the most”. I get all fuzzy inside thinking about the people in my life who I spend the most time with. Create a circle of friends who bring out the best version of you.
6. Be in nature as much as possible – I know this is cheesy but get your Vitamin N, you will feel amazing.
7. Find mentors – I have had several mentors, both in sports and my professional career who
8. Get your sleep – I know this is a pretty
9. Give back – We are meant to share our talents and message with others, especially those who need it the most. I have had the opportunity to give back in several ways as a strength coach and nutritionist and I can’t stress enough how important it is to share your inspiration and message with the world.
10. Read fiction novels before bed – I usually always have 2-3 books on the go at once. I always read a fiction book before bed to wind down and avoid my electronics. I highly recommend Harry Potter…(which I read as a
11. Read/and or listen to something non-fiction

12. Drink your veggies – As you probably already know, I love green smoothies and veggies juices. It is a great way to get in a ton of nutrients without having to eat heaps of kale.
13. Be mindful – I know this is a buzz term and it can really mean anything, but to me it simply means bringing awareness to your choices (food, exercise, career etc.) and living in the present moment.
14. Meditate – This does not mean that you have to sit in a candlelit room for an hour everyday, it simply means taking time to be with yourself. From my experience there is no wrong away to do this. Even if your mind wanders, that is part of it, just simply do it, and keep doing it.
15. Only spend $ on good quality food – When I go out to eat I make sure it is damn good quality. One thing that really gets me worked up (the list is short lol) is spending money on poor quality food. I love food so it is important for me to scope out the new restaurant. I want to eat real food not a processed sandwich, sitting lukewarm in the sun for hours.. yuck.
16. Drink good quality coffee – I can not stress enough how important it is to drink good quality coffee. Yes you are going to pay more for an Americano from a small independent coffee shop than you will for your Timmy’s
17. Keep a journal and write in it daily – (Even if you don’t think your life is interesting… believe me it is.) This was a hard one for me because I felt like I had nothing to say, but so much inspiration comes when you just pick up a pen and paper. (I’m old school.)
18. Travel… often – I have had the opportunity within the last couple years to travel and now I can’t stop. There is nothing like experiencing espresso and Nata’s in Portugal or watching the sun rise and set on a beach in Costa Rica.
19. Indulge...In a smart way – I am not one of those nutritionists who tells people they can’t have chocolate or chips (unless they have a severe allergy of course) BUT I do recommend that indulgences be worthwhile and not just because it is in front of you. If you really love popcorn and carrot cake… then make sure you make that your indulgence every once and a while…not that crappy muffin that was in front of you at the local coffee shop.
20. Salt water really does cure everything – Ocean, Sweat and Tears.

21. Recover in all aspects of life – I read a book recently that really struck a cord… it’s called The Power of Full Engagement by Jim
22. Always find the lesson – The periods of major growth in my life have come on the heels of times when I have struggled the most. Instead of playing the victim and feeling bad for myself I have done my best to find the lesson out of every hard situation.
23. Listen to your body – I know this is a tough one to grasp because what the heck does “listening to your body” actually mean? Well, to me it is an ongoing process but as a young athlete I just always thought that I needed to push myself to the breaking point when it came to training…. it did come to the breaking point in the form of multiple injuries. Bring awareness to how your body is feeling with your exercise, nutrition
24. Drink wine – I wouldn’t say I am a total wino… but I really enjoy having a glass of wine with friends or by myself writing or with a nice dinner. Like coffee and all other delicious foods, make sure it’s quality.
26. Spend time alone – I LOVE being surrounded
27. Do pull-ups – I have a love affair with pull-ups. Yes, they are hard AF, but nothing makes me feel stronger than pulling my body weight over a bar. I do not think being a woman is an excuse for not being able to do pull-ups. In
28. If you say you are going to do something. DO IT – I have struggled with always trying to please and saying YES to everything. This led to
29. Ask questions and listen – Let’s be honest, people love to talk about themselves and their story. The true mastery is learning how to listen and ask the right questions. Being a “recovering introvert” I was always afraid to speak up and ask questions; “what if it is a stupid question, what will people think of me… etc.” I now know how important it is to ask questions and learn how to listen… not just wait for the next chance to speak. Like
30. Live a
31. “Do what you love, love what you do” – Make the most out of life and make sure you do what you really love, do not take anything for granted and live the life you want to live. Dream and act BIG.
I feel like I could keep going BUT I will leave you with these 31 lessons. I would love your feedback and lessons you have learned during your amazing time on this planet.
Sylvie (OG lifestyles)