Feb 18, 2016 | Health, Nutrition, Strength Training
Today I overheard a portion of 3 different conversations, all about nutrition. One in an elevator discussing if Greek yogurt was good or bad for you. Another in a coffee shop about how a croissant was that individuals’ “cheat for the week”, and then another on public...
Jan 26, 2016 | Health, Strength Training
ADRIAN VILACA PROFESSIONAL MMA FIGHTER/STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING COACH AND MY AWESOME PARTNER IN CRIME #FIGHTERANDTHEGING When our bodies feel good we take it for granted. When our bodies don’t feel good we get frustrated and impatient. I know I have been there before...
Jun 9, 2015 | Nutrition, Strength Training
As a follow up to my blog post Back Health Part 1 I want to talk about the nutrition steps I take to help to speed up recovery from a back flare up. Although one of my first instincts is to have a huge pity party and eat chocolate and drink wine, in the end that is...
Jun 9, 2015 | Strength Training
So many people struggle with back pain, and I am unfortunately one of those people. I have struggled with lower back problems since I was a teenager. Two summers ago my world came crashing down when I figured out I had a herniated disc and I was forced to take 3 weeks...
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